The Linux Kernel
The kernel of Linux is the core of the operating system. It manages all the input and output of the system. Linux processes start and stop when the kernel boots up. These processes are known as system calls. A Linux kernel may also contain device drivers and file system libraries but not wired network device drivers. The Linux kernel also initializes and manages the system’s input and output. It is the central software component of a computer and is often referred to as the brain of the operating system. Linux offers the easiest installation of all operating systems. Most versions include a live distribution that allows you to try the full functionality of the system without installing anything. Once you are ready to install, double-click the “Install” icon and follow the installation wizard. After you have completed the installation, you will be prompted to set up a password. Once you have created an account, you will be asked to confirm the password, and once you are done, the system will reboot. The advantages of Linux are numerous. The operating system is open source, which means anyone can change its programs and redistribute modified versions. Linux is built with community in mind, and many people appreciate this philosophy. This makes Linux so popular. It’s also free. A Linux computer can also be built using open source software, which means you’re not forced to buy proprietary hardware. The cost of a Linux computer is less than half of that of a comparable Windows model, and it’s free to use. Today, Linux applications are everywhere. You can find Linux versions of Facebook, Google, YouTube, and the like on your computer. In fact, Linux users only represent less than two percent of computer users, but the number of machines running Linux applications is in the billions. The benefits of running Linux are many and far reaching. You can run the operating system alongside Windows on the same drive. You can even share a single hard drive with Windows. The Linux kernel manages hardware resources and software packages. The distribution that you choose for your Linux installation will depend on your experience and skills. There are newbie-friendly distributions, such as Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and Elementary OS. If you’re an advanced user, you’ll want to install Fedora, Debian, or Gentoo. It’s best to try out a few different distributions to find out which one suits you the best. If you’re just starting out with Linux, look for a distribution that has a user-friendly interface. Linux is a free download and open source. The source code is also freely available, so you can modify and extend it if needed. Linux has a robust security model based on the UNIX concept of security. It schedules tasks in quieter moments of the day, which means your computer will be more available during busier periods. The security model of Linux helps you balance hardware utilization. This way, you won’t have to worry about your computer slowing down during busy periods.