How to Install Linux Using the Command Line
As an open source operating system, linux is different from other systems in that the code it uses is free and available for anyone to view, edit and (for those with the skills) contribute to. It is also incredibly customizable because users can choose which software packages build the rest of the operating system.
Typically, Linux software is installed using command line tools like dpkg, apt-get or yum. However, some user-friendly distributions like Ubuntu have graphical interfaces for installing system updates and individual software applications. While Linux has a vast software ecosystem, it is important to consider your organization’s level of comfort with maintaining and installing software in this environment prior to adopting the platform.
The most common commands to know are those that let you navigate files, directories and the system. This includes basic text manipulation and navigation (via vim or emacs), navigating text files with less and examining the status of the operating system with uptime. Other useful commands include ls for listing the contents of a file, rm to remove a file from a directory and cp to copy files or directories.
Other important commands to learn are those that let you modify the permissions of a file or directory. The three most common types of user-based permissions for directories and files are group, owner and all users.
For example, to change the permissions of a file to give everyone full write access, you would use the command chmod gorm 777. This is the same command you would use to grant a specific user root access.
In addition to its many features, linux has an active community of developers and contributors who are willing to share knowledge with others. In particular, the linux documentation projects (Man pages and Info pages) and community forums such as Ask Ubuntu and Reddit’s /r/linuxquestions are very helpful for newcomers to the platform.
Although it is not as common as Windows or Mac OS, Linux has gained popularity in the past decade due to its low cost and high performance. Additionally, it is compatible with a wide range of hardware devices, including laptops, tablets and servers.
If you’re looking to try out linux for the first time, the best way is to choose one of the most popular distributions designed specifically for your device. These will include a variety of software programs, including desktop applications and programming languages.
A word of warning: if you’re unsure about installing an operating system or changing from your current OS, it’s a good idea to create a backup of your current system. This way, if something goes wrong, you can restore it to its previous state.
There are several ways to do this, but the easiest is to burn a CD or USB stick with your Linux distribution and boot from it. This will allow you to try out the system without changing your computer’s existing software and configurations. You can then decide whether to install it permanently.